VIII Setmana Ciclista - Volta Comunitat Valenciana Fèmines

From February 15 to 18, the sixth edition of the VIII Setmana Ciclista - Volta Comunitat Valenciana Fèmines will be held, a 2.Pro event organized in the Valencian Community by the Escapada Cycling Club and included in the European calendar of the International Cycling Union (UCI). 22 teams from four continents will participate: Europe, America, Asia and Oceania.


The Setmana Ciclista - Vuelta Comunidad Valenciana Féminas 2022 will consist of four stages in line. Llike the previous editions, this one will be present once again in the three provinces of the Valencian Community: Castelló, València and Alicante.



Stage 1

Tavernes de la Valldigna - Gandia
DATE: 15/02/2024 | DISTANCE: 113


The first stage of the Setmana Ciclista will start on Thursday, February 17 at half past one in the afternoon from Carrer Major de Tavernes de la Valldigna. At the starting signal, the cyclists will head towards Alzira along the Barraca d'Aigües Vives road. The first 40 kilometers of the stage will be quite comfortable and will cross municipalities such as Benimuslem, Alberic, La Pobla Llarga, Sant Joanet, Manuel or l'Ènova, in the Ribera Alta region.

After passing through Torre de Lloris and Xàtiva, already in the Costera, the peloton will face the first stop of this edition, that of Serragrosa, third category, which will be crowned at kilometer 63.

A quick descent will take the cyclists to the Vall d'Albaida region. After crossing Bellús, Benigànim and Quatretonda, the race will once again enter the Costera via Lloc Nou d'En Fenollet and Barxeta, where a special sprint will be held before climbing the Barxeta hill towards Simat. The last difficulty of the day will be the second category Alto de Barx, whose summit will be located just over 14 kilometers from the finish. From the moment they reach the top of Barx, the runners will have to know how to manage a very fast descent down the Drova to Gandia, the capital of La Safor, where the finish line will be located on Avenida República Argentina, an enclave where the cycling arms of the carving of Hannah Barnes, Ruth Winder or Annemiek van Vleuten. There, after 114 kilometers we will meet the first leader of the race.

Stage 2

Borriol - La Vall D'Uixó
DATE: 16/02/2024 | DISTANCE: 117


The second stage, of 118 kilometers, will move to the province of Alicante. It will start on Friday, at half past one in the afternoon, from La Tella street in Altea, in the Marina Baixa region. The cyclists will pass through Callosa d'En Sarrià, Guadalest, Benimantell and Confrides, before crowning the first category Alto de Confrides.

A quick descent will take the runners to Gorga, in the Comtat region. From there you will face a winding terrain, with continuous ups and downs. The towns of Almudaina, Planes, Benimarfull, Muro d'Alcoi, Alqueria d'Aznar and Alcúdia, all of them in the Comtat region, will see the sliders pass towards the Cocentaina special sprint, at km 74 of the stage.

After passing through Benilloba, the race will head again towards Gorga to repeat the same previous route, practically 29 kilometers that will take the cyclists to the passeig del Comtat de Cocentaina, where an unprecedented finish line will be located in the Setmana Ciclista – Volta Comunitat Valenciana Feminines.

Stage 3

Alacant - Xorret de Catí
DATE: 17/02/2024 | DISTANCE: 129


Already on Saturday, the third stage will be played entirely in the province of Castellón. With a total of 135 km it will be the longest of this edition.

It will start at one in the afternoon from Ermita de Vila-Real street and will end, approximately four hours later, in Vistabella del Maestrat.
The first kilometers of the stage will run through the Plana Baixa, between Vila-Real and Onda. Next, the race will enter Fanzara, Vallat, Argelita and Castillo de Villamalefa, a demanding terrain in the Alt Millars region that will take the cyclists to the top of the high Remolcador, first category, whose summit will be located at kilometer 52 .

Then, rapid descent through Lucena del Cid, Figueroles and La Foya, in the Alcalatén region. From there, the runners will go to Les Useres and La Barona, already in the Plana Alta, where the special sprint of the day will be located at kilometer 94.

The last 40 kilometers of the stage will be very demanding. The area prior to Adzaneta, in l'Alcalatén, will wear out the cyclists, who will still have to face the Collao peak, first category, and the final climb already in the same Vistabella del Maestrat, also first category and unprecedented arrival of the Cycling week. The finish line will be located on Carrer Major, next to the church square.

Stage 4

Sagunt - València
DATE: 18/02/2024 | DISTANCE: 114


The fourth and final stage of this edition of the Setmana Ciclista – Volta Comunitat Valenciana Fèmines will be held in the province of Valencia. The runners must complete a 118 km route between Sagunt and Valencia, starting at 12 noon from the Avenida del Mediterráneo.

First, there will be two laps of a 29 km circuit between Sagunt, Cuartell, Estivella, Gilet and Sagunt, in the Camp de Morvedre region. At each pass through Sagunt, kilometers 29 and 60, there will be a special sprint. After the second pass through the town, the runners will go to Cuartell and Torres Torres on their way to the Alto del Oronet, second category, whose summit will be located 30 kilometers from the finish.

Those last kilometers will be of rapid descent through the regions of Camp de Túria and l'Horta Nord. The race will arrive in Valencia after crossing Serra, Náquera, Moncada and Alfara del Patriarca. The finish line will be located on Mestre Rodrigo Avenue. There we will know this year the name of the final winner of the sixth Setmana Ciclista - Volta Comunitat Valenciana Fèmines.


Participating teams

Then, we present the relationship of the teams that will participate in the VIII de la Setmana Ciclista - Volta Comunitat Valenciana Fémines 2024

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